Sunday, August 10, 2008

In the name of Heaven
If I could tell you………………………..
If u could tell you what it is in my heart
If I could tell you, you are the best one that I have seen in my life
If I could tell you, you are the first and the last fairy that lives on the earth
If I could tell you that I drown in your eyes ocean
If I could tell you that I can’t live without your love
If I could tell you that you are in my vision every night
If I could tell you that I start my day with your dream
If I could tell you that you are from my essence
If I could tell you that I love you………….
If I could tell you these secrets it wasn’t this big remorse on my heart
If I could tell you that how much I love you I would fly and fly in so far as there isn’t anything except me and my God.
I love you very much my love.
D & S

1 comment:

Nobody said...

hi sara.You never could write this words as i have been known...isnt it true?who write theese for you?